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Last summer, a survey found that women are more prone to road rage than men, and that 30% of commuters send text messages on their way to work. Now, AT&T; has released results from a similar survey, and although it doesn’t draw any conclusions ...
Read moreIn a new survey by AT&T;, almost half of adults admitted to texting while driving, compared to a slightly smaller number of teens who fessed up to the same thing. About 49% of adults say they've sent a text while behind the wheel, according to a ...
Read moreGrown-ups are more likely than teenagers to engage in text messaging while they are driving, according to an AT&T; survey of more than 1,000 drivers, which found 49% of adults admitted that they text while driving compared with 43% of teen drivers.
Read moreA recent survey by AT&T; reveals that adults are the biggest violators of texting and driving. Nearly 49% of adults surveyed admitted to driving and texting compared to 43% of teenagers. Ironically, 98% of adults thinks that this behavior is unsafe.
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