Opinion: Goo-Goos Snatch Scholarships From Underprivileged Students

May 7, 2012 12:00 AM

" Andy Shaw, the director of the Better Government Association, sent his daughter to an Ivy League university. 

Why is this important? Because Shaw’s organization has been agitating for the repeal of Illinois’s Legislative Scholarship program. It looks as though he’s going to be successful. The state senate voted 45-5 to get rid of the program. Gov. Pat Quinn says he will sign the bill. 

But four of the five dissenters were minorities, including state Sen. Donne Trotter, D-Chicago, who blamed media pressure for ending a program that he’d used to guarantee free educations to students in his poor South Side district. 

“I’ve always said that the whole thing was blown out of proportion, and that reform was better than elimination,” said Trotter. “It’s a shame that those who will ultimately lose are going to be the students.”  

Brian Sleet, who ran last year for 6th Ward alderman, made a similar comment on Facebook.   "

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